Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thing 35 - Books

Lots of cool stuff in this one. I recently cataloged all my books using library thing, so I got that aspect of the Thing down before I ever got started. It was fun but without a bunch of other people I know using the site, it seems to have kind of limited application. I have it on my facebook now for people to look at if they want to, but so far I can't think of what else to do with it. I kinda like having it just for its own sake, anyway.

Reading books on your phone seems like it'd be really bothersome. I admit I have a really old phone, so reading anything on there would be double unpleasant, but even with a fairly new phone you'd think the text would be pretty small and the screen hard to read. The kindle supposedly fixes these problems by being completely designed for reading, so I'd be pretty interested to try it out. It's big enough for sure, but I'd have to see the screen before I decided whether I thought it was a good idea. I guess the backlight in the system is different than it is in, say, a gameboy, so you're not going to get the same eye strain. I'd like to try it. If anyone wants to buy one for me, I accept.

The swap sites were really interesting, too. Unlike traditional swap clubs, these go all over the whole country! So you could get whatever you wanted. Including books, I guess. This is why the internet was invented. You can get information and stuff from everywhere. I want to try this, too. I think I should sign up, I could get rid of all the stuff I don't want and get new stuff for it! I can not see a downside here.

Additionally, the site that encourages you to leave a book lying out somewhere and then putting a message up was cool. I would have loved this when I was young. I loved secrets.

0 angry letters: