Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Thing 25 Wrap-up

Surprise! It turns out if you add the wrong kind of widget (or something) blogger thinks you're a spam blog and shuts you down! So you have to appeal to have it reopened and convince them you're a real person. Anyway, I'm back up now and comin' atcha live.

I hope this is okay for the purposes of the Things on a Stick project but I deleted all the widgets I had put on because I didn't know which one made them think I was a malicious program. I'll add a few back up later as I need them, but I'll try different ones I guess, and make sure they're necessary.

I guess, here's a warning to all you others: verify the source of your widgets before slappin' em on here. You might get deleted.

Also, comments are working. Go nuts.

2 angry letters:

Megan R. said...

yo me enfrio o lo sufro
Si me voy - va a haber peligro
Si me quedo es doble
Pero me tienes que decir
yo me enfrio o lo sufro

Megan R. said...

Sorry about the previous comment, that song has been in my head all day. I'm also sorry that you had to take all the widgets off your blog, some of them were so cool! Glad everything's back to normal now. Hopefully the rest of the process has fewer abberations.