Saturday, February 7, 2009

Thing 26 Part 2

And now, in keeping with my new format, I"ll finish up my thoughts on Thing 26 as they have evolved over the past couple days.

Looks like the picture I uploaded only got 4 views, and the video just one (thanks, whoever you are). I'm guessing people aren't going back to this site much to peruse content, but I guess I haven't much either and I think it's all because of the lack of organization. Obviously we've got a fairly limited scope of usage, so there might not be a lot of action in the comments section, etc. The forums move a little quicker, but not by much. Maybe a lot of people just aren't used to online forum and BBS systems?

In any case, maybe as more people get to this stage of the Things it'll pick up more. I maintain that it'll probably be useful if people start to run into problems on later Things, so I will make an effort to keep checking back and add momentum to discussion.

0 angry letters: