Monday, February 23, 2009

Thing 30 and the Temple of Doom

Well. I have my delicious and my RSS feed all set up. To be honest I'm kind of underwhelmed by it. First of all I apparently misunderstood the mechanism of RSS feeds this whole time. Apparently you can't just put in any old website you want and get updated as to when it has new content. The website has to have a specific RSS site feed you subscribe to. So basically a lot of really big websites are cool, but a lot of the smaller or independently operated ones I like don't have this option.

Beyond that, I guess I don't spend so much time looking at websites that I don't have time to check them all. I have a bookmarks list in my browser like I always have, and it's not too strenuous to go through and check stuff out when I need to. The one thing I'd like to have an RSS feed for is all the web comics I read, so that I could see when updates happened instead of checking them all individually, but the ones I like didn't all have RSS feeds available, so that's kinda out the window. Beyond that I don't really need to have alerts for every update on, for example. I can just go there when I want to read the news.

Considering my lack of utility for these RSS feeds, I don't see how I'm going to use a lot of the featured tools. I definitely don't want to forward all the updates to my e-mail; my inbox gets cluttered up enough as it is. I kind of like the one that will forward updates to my twitter, if only because it gives me another excuse to use twitter. And the one that gives you personal reminders would be GREAT if I were more organized. Which I'm not, but maybe this will help.

I don't know if this one's gonna make the cut for long term use, either. I'll have to see. In the mean time I am going to move on to other Things and give this one a proper wrap up some time in the future.

0 angry letters: